Express OAuth Server
Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in Node.js.
This package wraps the @node-oauth/oauth2-server into an express compatible middleware. It's a maintained and up-to-date fork from the former oauthjs/express-oauth-server.
$ npm install @node-oauth/express-oauth-server
Quick Start
The module provides two middlewares - one for granting tokens and another to authorize them.
and, consequently @node-oauth/oauth2-server
expect the request body to be parsed already.
The following example uses body-parser
but you may opt for an alternative library.
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const OAuthServer = require('@node-oauth/express-oauth-server');
const app = express();
app.oauth = new OAuthServer({
model: {}, // See for specification
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(function(req, res) {
res.send('Secret area');
Note: The following options extend the default options from
! You can read more about all possible options in the @node-oauth/oauth2-sever documentation
const options = {
useErrorHandler: false,
continueMiddleware: false,
(type: boolean default: false)If false, an error response will be rendered by this component. Set this value to true to allow your own express error handler to handle the error.
(type: boolean default: false)The
middlewares will both render their result to the response and end the pipeline. next() will only be called if this is set to true.Note: You cannot modify the response since the headers have already been sent.
does not modify the response and will always call next()
Migration notes
Beginning with version 4.0 this package brings some potentially breaking changes:
- dropped old es5 code; moved to native async/await
- requires node >= 16
- ships with @node-oauth/oauth2-server 5.x
- no express version pinned but declared as
peer dependency, so it should not cause conflicts with your express version
More Examples
For more examples, please visit our dedicated "examples" repo , which also contains express examples.
MIT, see license file.